The Baptism of our Lord: The Blessing of God

Baptism of our Lord
Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. The Holy Spirit appears overhead in the form of a dove along with God the Father (Matthew 3:13-17). From Martin Luther’s Church Postils (sermons), published in 1563.

Lessons: Joshua 3:1-3, 7-8, 13-17; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31, Matthew 3:13-17
Hymns: LSB 401, 406, 839, 404, 405

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The Baptism of our Lord: Jesus, Baptized for You

Baptism of our Lord
Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. The Holy Spirit appears overhead in the form of a dove along with God the Father (Matthew 3:13-17). From Martin Luther’s Church Postils (sermons), published in 1563.

Lessons: Joshua 3:1-17, 1 Corinthians 1:26-31, Matthew 3:13-17
Hymns: LSB 399, 594, 405, 404, 601

Click to access the audio of the entire service, or read the sermon for the above service
